DentalCare Labs Teeth Grinding Custom Fit BPA-Free Mouldable Dental Night Guards in 2 Sizes...

  • DentalCare Labs Anti Teeth Grinding Nightguard is the best on the market
  • Made Of FDA approved High Quality Materials, Which is BPA & Latex Free
  • Can Be Used As An Teeth Whitening Tray
  • Moldable To All Different Mouth Shapes & Teeth Sizes - Fits Upper And Lower Teeth
  • Satisfaction Gaurenteed or 100% refund - Free Hygiene Case Is Included

I wasn't sure about these at first. It took a minute to figure out how to form tjem to my teeth, but after some heating, cooling and reheating I got them to work.

I lost my occlusal guard from the dentist and am no longer on insurance so I got these instead, and after just under a week, it seems to be working pretty well. I just did the top one. I didn't spread it as thin the first time as I had wanted so I put it back in the boiled water and did it a second time and it worked great. It was still a little thick for the back molars, and next time I think I will end up biting down while molding (it recommends against this in the instructions), in order to thin it more on the back molars. As it is, most of the grinding is at the front of my mouth, but because the back part was so thick, it was forcing my mouth open while I slept, so I ended up cutting some of the back part off so my jaw would remain closed while asleep. It is a softer material than I had expected (my occlusal guard was hard plastic, did not bend), very rubbery, but seems to work fine. It's not as good as my professional dental guard, but those are hundreds of dollars, and this was very cheap. Hoping it last a long time!

I’ve always had the dental kind that costed a fortune and my dogs always found a way to chew it up. I had to find an alternative because I CONSTANLY grind my teeth. I love how they give you extra because it took me more than one try to get the molding right and have it first your mouth comfortably. I also liked how the instructions gave you alternatives for if it came out too loose. Helps me every night

I spent over $300 from my FSA account to have a custom night guard made by my dentist. It fit perfectly, but was made out of hard plastic. There was no give for teeth clenching and grinding, which caused my jaw to ache in the morning. Even after several re-fittings, I had to stop wearing it after several months, because of the pain it caused the following day. After reading the rave reviews for the Dental Care Labs’ Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards on Amazon, I decided to give them a try. I must say that I am extremely pleased and highly recommend them. The directions were easy to follow, I created a great fit myself, it protects my teeth, and is extremely comfortable. Not to mention that it saves me $280! I’m never bothering to order another uncomfortable one from the dentist again. Save your pennies and order these instead. The secret to getting a good fit is to leave the guard in very hot water for the allotted 20 seconds. Remove quickly, shake off the excess water, wait about 5 seconds, and then put it in your mouth (top teeth are recommended). Don’t bite down. Suck the air out of your mouth, use your tongue to hold it in position, and then use your thumb and index fingers (both hands) to firmly press the guard into your teeth for a good custom fit. Keeping enough plastic to cover inside and out, start at the front center and work toward the molars. Work quickly before it cools too much and make sure you give the ends a good pinch. Run it under cold water to set and you’re done. This will help preserve your pearly whites.

Great product. I purchased this product because the dentist prescribed me to get a mouth guard. I didn’t get the prescribed mouth guard because it cost $350. This product is a lot cheaper and basically does the same thing as a prescribed one (prevents grinding your teeth). Molding them to your teeth is easy. The directions have 9 steps that looks like it will take a long time but it only takes a few minutes. Although be careful when you place them into boiling water. DONT USE A METAL POT. I lost my first set because one melted to the side of the pot. While I was trying to get that one unstuck the second one melted to the bottom of the metal pot. The directions don’t give you this warning but make sure to use a bowl or pot that isn’t metal. I just poured the boiling water into a glass bowl. Sleeping with these one may take some getting use to. I feel asleep pretty comfortable but it is a little bulky if you are using a top and bottom piece. When I woke up from my sleep. My mouth felt amazing. I had no jaw pain, and my mouth overall just felt good. This may just be a one time thing, but I think it did it’s job of preventing grinding. I honestly can’t wait to sleep with it on again, great product DentalCare Lab! Will buy again.

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This works great! I'm a 'clencher' and needed a guard. It took me two attempts because I wanted a really thin piece but I figured it out. Easy to do. If you don't mind a thicker Gaurd follow the directions exactly. For me I wanted it thinner so I reheated mine and used my hands to smooth against my teeth. The package says use hands on outside of your cheeks but I wasn't able to get it thin enough this way. I also trimmed it after my first molding try so the second time I had to smooth where I had cut by pinching those places before I placed in my mouth to reshape. I HAVE IT PERFECT NOW! I love it and it is helping! Highly recommend if you want something affordable that works!

Amazing! Simple to mold to your teeth. Thin and soft. Of all the other mouth guards I've tried, this is the first I've used that I still have in my mouth when I wake up. Close to $1,000 for one from the dentist, but this product does the trick👍

This mouth guard saved me some money but cost my dentist $280. That what he wanted for one. I got four and am only using one of them on my bottom teeth at night while I sleep. My grinding while I sleep is still there but not I wake up without the sore jaw. My dentist told me he could see it in my teeth and wanted to make one for me but I made my own. After the box came in the mail I opened it. Next washed all four guards and picked one I thought fit well. I stuck a glass cup in the microwave and set the microwave for two and a half minutes. Pulled out the cup waited a minute dropped in the guard until it started to curl pulled it out with a fork and waited a second placed it in my mouth when it was the proper temperature and bit down. Prefect mold that stays in all night. So glad I did this. Good luck with the night grinds.

I have a step-by-step 'How To' below because I guess the instructions were confusing for some people. . . These work well for a much more affordable temporary fix to grinding teeth. I was able to mold the two small ones to fit my smaller mouth. I typically have a sensitive gag reflex to any dental device the docs use (for x-rays, etc) but these were no problem. My recommendation for molding: 1) Put them in your mouth first and see which size works best. DO NOT trim yet. 2) After bringing water to a boil, AND REMOVING FROM HEAT, immediately place the guard in the water 3) Use two wooden spoons (one got away from me once) to pull it out at about ten seconds (it starts to curl) and place on wet paper towel 4) Use those wooden spoons to shape the guard into a 'mouth' shape again. In hot water, it starts to turn into an 'I' shape. 5) You can touch it just seconds after it's removed and use your fingers to mold it to a mouth shape some more 6) when it's JUST COOLED OFF ENOUGH to put into mouth, place it and use fingers to press it very firmly against teeth, inside and outside. Don't try to bite down. 7) Make sure it covers the entire tooth, every tooth Here's where it gets tricky... If it isn't snug, place it back in that hot water again for 15 seconds, and place into mouth to press it more firmly. After, the guard should be the shape of your teeth, but mostly flat or smooth under them. If the guard went up on your gums too much, now is the time to trim the part that covered your gums. Finally, place back in that warm water to smooth out what you trimmed (you don't want it too sharp) and place back in mouth again to snug it up. Once complete, run under cool water. I think the two biggest problems (looking at other reviews) is that people are afraid to put it in their mouth fast enough, and that it's "uncomfortable" after moulding. *** It won't burn your gums if your finger tips don't burn from touching it. *** Unless you have some sort of gum disease, obviously. Secondly, it won't be very comfortable to wear it, but as long as it fits your teeth snugly, it is perfect. Don't try to wear the guard until you are JUST ABOUT to fall asleep. I made the mistake of putting it in 10-15 min before to get used to it, but that just actually makes you feel uncomfortable and you won't be able to fall asleep. INSTEAD, wait until you are falling asleep, and place it in. Relax your jaw, because your jaw will relax while you sleep anyway. When I finally fell asleep with it, I forgot it was in when I woke up. ----- Overall, it's a great fix to a temporary issue.


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