Daily Pisces Horoscope July 04 (04/07)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

July 04


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 9/10

You could be inclined to do something your way without any further assistance or intervention from a certain person or possibly an organization. In many ways, you probably have learned the ropes and are able to pursue something solo - initially, anyway. You will, however, need someones support or guidance before long. Dont be too proud to ask for or accept it.


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 10/10

One of numerous skills fish possess is their ability to adapt and you look set to surprise and reassure yourself with your ability to be flexible and accommodating where you might have normally shown resistance. Its by being agreeable and showing willingness to cooperate that you can benefit in more than one way now. Allowing a certain defensive barrier to crumble is wise, timely and helpful.


summary pisces weekly

Star 8/10

You could find yourself casting your mind back to a time when you felt integral to others plans and subsequent successes. You had a valuable contribution to make and you made it. You brought something unique to the table that others recognized as being unique. So, what has changed now? If anything, are you not able to offer something better and more tantalizing than you did way back when? This week, have a bit more faith in your unique qualities. Once your faith increases in them, so too will others.


summary pisces monthly

Star 8/10

Venus has plans to bring a greater sense of peace, harmony and comfort to your home or those with whom your share your abode. Your domestic set-up or relationships with relatives can improve significantly. Tension could rise around the Full Moon on the 9th as you grow weary from someones controlling actions or demands. This might be one association youll accept has run its course. As the month draws to a close, dont resist motivation coming your way to make progress on the career front. Youre closer to a breakthrough than you might believe yourself to be.


health pisces daily

Star 9/10

Part of your nature is to see both sides of an issue; another part of your nature is to be blind to the issue altogether because you have over-extended yourself. In other words, the real issue can sometimes get lost in the many perspectives you are able to see. This is why routine is so vital to your sign - routine in the most basic sense. Try to strengthen your routine by exercising every day and planning your meals ahead of time. Spontaneity should fall within structure.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 10/10

There are, thankfully, many ways to keep routine and structure interesting. If you are someone who enjoys yoga, there are many different methods to choose from, and different studios to choose from within one method. If you enjoy running or walking, there are as many paths to take as there are days in the year. Keep variety as part of your routine so that you do not get bored. It\s best to limit your choice of times, however: choose a morning and an evening time and alternate between them.


health pisces weekly

Star 9/10

This is a good time for new beginnings, especially where your health is concerned. You have the opportunity to make a fresh start. Plan a new eating plan and exercise routine and get moving. If you feel like a personal trainer would help you on your way, it would be worth the expense.


health pisces monthly

Star 9/10

You might be eager to research your options regarding health matters. Insights can come from websites, books on wellness topics, and conversations. But you could also be inspired by example, and this may be one of the reasons why you feel motivated to adopt healthier habits. Pride could be an issue, too, but this month it can work in your favor. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. If youre in love, then feeling completely fabulous can help you beat off any competition. In fact, starting July 20, you may be very motivated to look as dazzling as you can.


love pisces daily

Star 10/10

If you have spent a lot of time with your love interest recently doing all kinds of things together, then the current astral energy could indicate that it may be helpful to both of you to spend some time alone. You can recharge your batteries, and reconnect to your own deeper needs and feelings. Then when you meet again you will feel refreshed and revitalized.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

If you have had the distinct feeling recently that your love life is not going anywhere, then you may be forced to think again, especially with today\s astral energy. Julybe an old or existing partnership goes through a transformation, and the passion between you is rekindled. Or you meet someone completely new who manages to blow your socks off. Either would be most welcome at this present time.


love pisces weekly

Star 9/10

You arent the type to make bold moves, and the beginning of the week is no exception. Lay low until you know that your secret crush might like you, too. You meet a lot of people over the weekend if youre put in a leadership role, and the more outgoing you are, the better. Being an extrovert doesnt come easily, but the payoff is extremely beneficial to your love life.


love pisces monthly

Star 7/10

A Mercury/Uranus square on July 4 causes unfortunate and unpredictable communication glitches, which can put a major crimp in your dating style. Spellcheck helps, but it isnt infallible. A Venus/Jupiter trine on July 18 allows you to overlook the potential negatives of a romantic situation, which is fine so long as you arent totally blind to all possible outcomes. Being optimistic is good. Being nave isnt. Your emotions are heightened when Venus enters sensitive Cancer on July 26. Avoid co-dependent relationships in which others can take advantage of your nurturing nature.


career pisces daily

Star 7/10

An employer may come down hard on you today, but don\t be discouraged. There is no reason to think less of yourself. Use this as an opportunity to make yourself more valuable. Show your boss or supervisor that you are willing to change for the better.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 10/10

Think twice before you proceed on an old idea. Cutting-edge information will come your way today that will cause you to consider a new approach. Take this new approach seriously. It is not something that you should automatically discard. Consider it.


career pisces weekly

Star 9/10

This is a high-energy time for you. It may bring a situation that forces you to make a decision. Be as honest with yourself as possible in the face of any criticism. Anything you lose at this time will ultimately be for the best. Your charm will be strong now. Be generous with your time and expertise. This period is lucky for travel and long-distance contacts. Some things will end or demand review.


career pisces monthly

Star 9/10

Pay attention to the days around July 9, when a group project comes to a successful end. Theres a good chance youll be named most valuable player. Your colleagues appreciate your ability to listen to all points of view and propose imaginative solutions to problems. Your flexible approach cultivated a harmonious atmosphere that produced great work. On July 23, youll be given a glamorous work assignment that appeals to your creative side. Youll be compelled to work harder than ever before to meet a high standard. That wont bother you at all. Youll enjoy the challenge of this stimulating work.



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